What if the 101 trillion cells in your physical body function at an individiual vibrational frequency and each individual cell holds a memory (emotion... energy in motion) and retains information on all levels of YOUr BEing, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually...
What if every cellular molecule, nucleus, electrons, neurons ran at a frequency... electromagnetically...
What if the KEY was to BE ONE in every essence of YOUr BEing
YOU are the Master of YOUr own Colony in BEing
Every Essence of YOUr BEing functioning at ONE Frequency?
What if...
Aligning all states of consciousness as ONE in BEing... living in the NOW Moment taking responsibility in YOUr BEing was the simplest shift in creating change...
What if All That Is is a reflection of YOUr state in BEing?
Every experience creates an emotion (energy in motion) felt
and remembered in the cell memory and vibrates at a frequency therefore if you
have not shifted your experience to be that in LOVE within All of YOUr BEing
this will be reflected in the situations life experience you are creating. The
next person or situation to annoy you will relate to a feeling you have in your
subconscious state of being in cell memory and when you feel that feeling you
think its the current experience of someone/situation outside yourself creating
it but is stimulated from old programming.
Until you realise you are just existing and living from a automatic
programming of the subconscious you run a
system of old habitual states of being and not consciously living in the moment
and taking responsibility in life. Every
cell vibrating at the density of Fear based frequencies will magnetise another
experience to give you information about creating change within YOUr BEing if
you miss the sign/experience ... it gets bigger and bigger !
To create a shift in Self one must consciously live in the
NOW moment of BEing in that from a LOVE frequency in all aspects of BEing...
When taking conscious responsibility One overrides the cellular make up as your
body renews millions of cells per day... and now you are consciously creating
What if the key to this is creating conscious change by
reprogramming ourselves by living from the LOVE frequency in every moment and
over a period of time you override your old programming subconscious state of
being and cellular make up to work as one in all states of consciousness in all
aspects of YOUr BEing.
An example I used in my book: Understanding Life for the Experience ...
Not the Drama
“An experience I had having a tooth implant
requiring a local anaesthetic. Although I was awake I have no recollection from
the time of local to the time of waking up on the couch at home. My husband commented that I even asked if we
had to pay on leaving, not only that I also held conversations with family
members when arriving home... once again pre-programmed in doing!
So if you compare this to your own life in what is
happening, and in how you act and react in your life, you will see things that
come automatically are subconsciously pre programmed to do so. Living
subconsciously, on auto pilot, not having to think about what you are doing.”
So some telltale signs of misalignment...
When you are exhausted and tired alot will fall into
habitual (subconscious – pre programmed)
states of BEing...
Watch your choices you make and are they in respect for the loving state
of YOUr BEing?
What habits do you fall
back into?
If you are reacting ... if you feel it and react you know it’s
yours and you have a matching frequency vibrating in your cellular DNA
The thing is ...
Awareness brings choice...
Choice creates change...
BE Aware Consciously NOW ...
“Bring All Aspects of Self Together as ONE BEing”