Tuesday, 31 July 2012


What if...

Everything in the life experience is a reflection of the place from your BEing. 
In that it is your conscious responsibility in all that you create therefore in that what you participate in the life experience. 
That of illness is that an experience, whether it is a bumped toe or cancer all that is is that of external information regarding the treatment of self at the true core BEing of your existence. 
That of earthquakes, natures presentation of taking responsibility in creating change as that of the human choice in BEing is choosing to blame external focus and not internal focus
 in shifting and creating change of self so the world will do it for you.
Everything external is a reflection of our
vibration as a consciousness community mass frequency energy reflecting us to us ...

What if...

It was that simple in shifting the life experience to a heaven on earth,
tranquil place of BEing by reflecting that of

What if...
A mass consciousness of this leathel above combination
would create such a simplistic change in the Life Experience and BEyond...
Why would you place focus anywhere else?

What if...

A mass consciousness of this leathel combination of
created that of Illness, War, Destruction...

What if...
You are part of this mass consciousness...
What responsibility are you taking? 
One would wonder why
You would waste your energy with that FOCUS... 
If One truly understood the Art in Living Simply is that ...
to Live in Love...


"The World Reflects To Us What WE Think Of Ourselves"

Monday, 30 July 2012


What if the 101 trillion cells in your physical body function at an individiual vibrational frequency and each individual cell holds a memory (emotion... energy in motion) and retains information on all levels of YOUr BEing, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually...
What if every cellular molecule, nucleus, electrons, neurons ran at a frequency... electromagnetically...
What if the KEY was to BE ONE in every essence of YOUr BEing
YOU are the Master of YOUr own Colony in BEing
Every Essence of YOUr BEing functioning at ONE Frequency?
What if...
Aligning all states of consciousness as ONE in BEing... living in the NOW Moment taking responsibility in YOUr BEing was the simplest shift in creating change...
What if All That Is is a reflection of YOUr state in BEing?
Every experience creates an emotion (energy in motion) felt and remembered in the cell memory and vibrates at a frequency therefore if you have not shifted your experience to be that in LOVE within All of YOUr BEing this will be reflected in the situations life experience you are creating. The next person or situation to annoy you will relate to a feeling you have in your subconscious state of being in cell memory and when you feel that feeling you think its the current experience of someone/situation outside yourself creating it but is stimulated from old programming.  Until you realise you are just existing and living from a automatic programming of the subconscious  you run a system of old habitual states of being and not consciously living in the moment and taking responsibility in life.  Every cell vibrating at the density of Fear based frequencies will magnetise another experience to give you information about creating change within YOUr BEing if you miss the sign/experience ... it gets bigger and bigger !
To create a shift in Self one must consciously live in the NOW moment of BEing in that from a LOVE frequency in all aspects of BEing...
When taking conscious responsibility One overrides the cellular make up as your body renews millions of cells per day... and now you are consciously creating change
What if the key to this is creating conscious change by reprogramming ourselves by living from the LOVE frequency in every moment and over a period of time you override your old programming subconscious state of being and cellular make up to work as one in all states of consciousness in all aspects of YOUr  BEing.
An example I used in my book:   Understanding Life for the Experience ... Not the Drama
“An experience I had having a tooth implant requiring a local anaesthetic. Although I was awake I have no recollection from the time of local to the time of waking up on the couch at home.  My husband commented that I even asked if we had to pay on leaving, not only that I also held conversations with family members when arriving home... once again pre-programmed in doing!
So if you compare this to your own life in what is happening, and in how you act and react in your life, you will see things that come automatically are subconsciously pre programmed to do so. Living subconsciously, on auto pilot, not having to think about what you are doing.” 

So some telltale signs of misalignment...
When you are exhausted and tired alot will fall into habitual (subconscious – pre programmed) states of BEing...
Watch your choices you make and are they in respect for the loving state of YOUr BEing? 
 What habits do you fall back into?
If you are reacting ... if you feel it and react you know it’s yours and you have a matching frequency vibrating in your cellular DNA
The thing is ...
Awareness brings choice...
Choice creates change...
BE Aware Consciously NOW ...
“Bring All Aspects of Self Together as ONE BEing”

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Holiday Destination

Why is it that One waits for the experience of a holiday...
 Through the experience of taking time off to get it?

What if you could find such a brilliant place to live within self...
 That in every moment it felt like a holiday?

Life is the experience in that of happiness and joy!

Yet many feel it must be a hard ride to achieve the benefits of enjoyment
The theory of work hard for your money is that...
A theory...

What if ... Life is to BE enjoyed...
In every moment not just in certain moments.

Simplicity in understanding is that...
Life reflects that of which and where you are within yourself...

Every day is a holiday destination when living from a place of...
Gratitude, Love, Joy

If that is not where you are living...
Perhaps you could check in and see if you are happy with yourself?

"Are You Marketing Your Life As A Holiday Destination?"

Saturday, 28 July 2012


How many mixed messages are you delivering from your BEing...

Each individual source in creation is stimulated by a mass energy field
 in delivering a function of responsibility in creation...
This tampered field is drawing frequency and
Matches to a multitude of essences in your BEing...

What if all cells hold a memory which vibrate at a frequency and the billions of cells fuction in an electromagnetic field sending messages in frequency and resulting in a mirror or magnetic affect in BEing delivered a matching response to your life experience - existence...

What if... All these cells function from an automatic programming from subconscious, habitual states of BEing... all that has been experienced has then created an experience of emotion (energy in motion) within the cell electromagnetic makeup and as we renew mass cells in moments of BEing... therefore when an emotion is triggered from an experience, the reaction will be aligned from an automatically preprogrammed state of BEing unless ONE takes CONSCIOUS responsibility in creating a new state of BEing

Create a Conscious state of BEing
Which creates new habitual states of Being...
Align all States of your BEng to BE that in Truth & Love ...
If you are saying one thing...
Speaking another...
Doing another...
Feeling yet another...
You send a mixed message and in that you will be delivered the chaotic result in BEing!

The Key BEing to Live NOW ...
Consciously in Every Moment of BEing ...
in that in LOVE

"Start By Living Truthfully To Yourself"

Friday, 27 July 2012


Anything outside yourself is a reflection of aspects of your BEing...
Therefore what you give focus too continues to BE...

I often say when you can sit through the News and not react...
BE amongst the Chaos yet Calm in BEing...
You have an understanding, wisdom, allowing of Life to BE..

That which you react too, or disturbs you is that of an Essence in Being reflecting back to you to give you information of the frequency malfunction/misalignment in that of a denser vibration frequency function within the cellular molecular formula within Ones Being...

What if two frequencies could create such a diverse experience...
that of FEAR
that of LOVE
and what if.... Control, Anger, Frustration etc are all aspects or subsets of the dense matter FEAR
and what if.... Appreciation, Happiness, Trust etc are all aspects or subsets of the light matter LOVE

Therefore whenever you vibrate from a formula of dense matter
the results are less enjoyable amongst the chaos of your BEing..
However when you align in the LOVE frequency all is Go in Flow

It can only BE in your Vibration (Experience) if it is a compatible vibrational match... and if you react, judge... 
It's yours!

Responsibility and choice is yours in that which you give FOCUS too..
Your consciousness... frequency creates the experience
and the simplicity to living is that aligning all aspects of your BEing as ONE in LOVE!

When you are looking outside yourself... You are looking in the wrong place!
What you keep focussing on you get more of so make the choice to own the experience and
 BE the Focus of LOVE

"While You Give It Focus... You Give It Power To Continue!"

Thursday, 26 July 2012

You've Got Mail

Life is all about Choice...

The freedom we actually do have in the moment that comes upon us ... is that in thought therefore what follows will be that of the formula you create within the mechanism of your bodies electromagnetic function with the resources of the energy you choose to use...

The result is in that of all that you have taken part of in processing... in that of thought, word, feelings, actions... BEing...

Conscious responsibility creates changes ... breaks habits in BEing...
Take responsibility in creating a positive formula in your science lab of your BEing!

"It Can't Change... If You Stay the Same!"


Today has been a day driven by not needing chocolate totally satisfied by yesterdays overindulgence and understanding more of what presents us to share...

From a source of creation I wonder the benefit many understand in that they utilise energy in form through aggression, frustration and the speed of creation is amazing and creates outcomes of both, in which there is none, that of good and bad experiences... therefore today after sharing a wonderful decafe soya latte... (no need for a sugar hit for me today) with my husband who was enjoying his hot chocolate I came to realise how well One emphasizes frustration through aggression and focus and moments spent in this outweigh the effort One would put into BEing happy... let me elaborate...

While enjoying such simplicity in life One can be enjoying such things as a coffee and time out yet when you mention this is lovely ... are you enjoying it? Yeah I am may be the reply yet in a feeling of emotional value to the source energy output it was an answer of enjoying, yet the passion and glory of creation was not that of the effort One may put in as One does for the feeling of frustration... Why would you give more effort to frustration than that to enjoyment?

Clue BEing here is that which I have pondered for the past 24hours in sharing with my husband today is that I could get really frustrated in creating to stimulate the movement of things to come along... I tried it in the shower the other day yet I have come to a place where I knew I was only fooling myself as I know that for me the purest place of BEing and this just did not feel right ... (the conversation in my mind just so does not go there!)

So the conclusion came in light in that of if One chooses to see change in the world why would one bring the focus in frustration into creation to stimulate the result yet in BEing they also stimulate the energy based source of frustration to continue as a delivered frequency into the experience when One could totally choose to be Love and Appreciation and that focus will BEcome all for One to BE!

So in those moments of frustration, anger etc think about how much effort you are putting in and next time you sit down for a cuppa, a bath, a nothing moment see if you are putting in the same effort.

This is not to say I don’t get frustrated... it has BEcome a reflection in my vibration I live in that the time it does happen to visit I am unable to spend much time there!

Every moment is valued input into the global consciousness of the experience... the value of your BEing is forever impacting All That Is... I call it living the Death Line which is truly a balanced way of BEing – no highs, no lows... JUST IS...

The space you BE best living from is the source of LOVE creating more of All to Experience... APPRECIATE ... All That Is... Is BEing ...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Knowing that today’s adventure symbolically showed signs of GOLD... MAGIC... and alot of CHOCOLATE one can only imagine how nauseated I Am feeling tonight.  This represents such a shift within the dynamics of the electromagnetic system and trust in moving density out and light frequency to yet another dimensional experience in BEing...  I understand that all is... JUST IS... perfect and trust all that I have taken on in My BEing today represents that which follows... and when you look at the cocktail of GOLD, MAGIC and CHOCOLATE ... One can only imagine the Divinity in store for this experience to unfold... I look forward to sharing the walk of BEing in my mind, word and path as it presents itself in BEing...
Our journey has brought us here to Australia and when you have ordered a bed you understand the terminology of symbolism in that you have made your bed you lie in it... although without the density of the belief in which some terms vibrate at, I see it as a sign of things have come to BE in a dimension of understanding far beyond the dimension of experience therefore arriving back from a day out to also find a kitchen table in process of closer completion this sign represents to me also an understanding of sharing with others and many others as it’s a very large table that has also come to BE!
So today here I Am starting a blog of what unfolds through the eyes of me BEing in that which I understand I Am sharing to ignite a light within your BEing, taking your thinking to a place of “What If”... creating  -  reigniting a source of knowing that already exists within your own BEing and with that my nausea subsides in sharing a new dimension of sharing through blogging...
Curious as I Am... I look forward to what follows...