Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The Unseen Energy...

The Invisible Force... Tap into the Energy...
Challenge the Understanding You Give Life
Delve Deeper into Knowing More About You

Watching a contestant last week declare the visualisation and practice used with getting her family to sit in chairs not facing her and then all turning around together ... then experiencing that as the actual experience...  which happened to be at the precise time... Likens this to Tiger Woods mental training, Michael Jordan and his visualisation for his basketball game... where he then felt it was like playing in slow motion in the actual game... and the study done via free throw training at: http://expertenough.com/1898/visualization-works ... I remember personally there was never a doubt in free throw shooting when playing basketball (in my teens) myself and if it did miss I was extremely shocked and I am sure I think my father shot them with his eyes closed! 

Sporting simplicity in thoughts, words, visualisation, BELIEF is a bit of a favourite passion and simple to share the experience through recorded sharings from the athlete to the delivered experience... they truly FEEL it KNOW it BELIEVE it LIVE it ... so that is sport.... only using one aspect a minimum essence to our whole being...

Transcendental Meditation is also known to have reduced violence in towns....  another source of unseen energy...

I have had personal experiences of painting energy art affecting a person and their life experience...

We personally have taken the depth of delving into self a fair bit deeper with utilising what I understood about law of attraction a mix of reiki – energy healing combined with word utilised in hypnotherapy training with the psychology papers alongside... understanding life in Being...
When we decided as a family we would like a new flat screen tv ... the wall was painted and I use to tap it saying this is where the new tv will hang, so extreme delight when it manifested through the mission ticket website draw a long time ago now... months after this I included a few family and friends along the way saying to my husband that if we can do a tv we can do a house... which of course eventuated and is now shared with many friends, family... and many other things along the way we continue  experiencing.   

Yet the strength really deepens when you unlimit your focus and take it to another level of you in being.  YOUR WHOLE BEING not just an Aspect of It!

Tapping into Nothingness where all is created you start to experience that of NOW Moment Living...

An Art of Living In Awareness from a Point of Observation Gives Choice in the Experience

I experienced sharing understanding with my father after an operation he had and I was talking to him about the unseen energy, Belief that when someone places your hand on you ... where people believe more than that of it just in thought and I feel it is no different... so I placed my hand on my dad’s arm and said as we were talking ... like if I say you are healed it is believed... He went a bit funny almost emotional and started laughing... what I didn’t realise is that he was in pain and not said anything... I at that moment put my hand on the exact spot and the pain disappeared...  he understood the sharing of what I was sharing/saying...

Sharing a conversation with a family member just talking about life sharing perspectives in understanding for over an hour at a kitchen table in the not so comfortable chairs... unbeknown to us they mention as we were finishing talking could we talk a bit longer as the back ache they had been experiencing over the past two weeks had disappeared and just had a little bit left in their neck...

All YOU Have to Do is BE... and in BEing It Is...

It’s far more than thought, words, actions, being it truly is nothing and in that it is everything!
And it is all to do with YOU in every Moment! 

The Invisible Energy Goes deeper within the experience ...

Raising your Vibration in Life Personally Ultimately changes not only you but also the environmental experience and beyond...
Tap into All That Is...

Monday, 22 April 2013

Dance To Your Own Tune

Play Your Own Music &
Dance To Your Own Tune
For There Is No One Else To BE
But Truly Who You Are

As We Pave Our Way
Through The Journey
 Which We Call Life
We Are Inhibited By Many Ways,
Rules, Regulations,
Environmental States of Being...
In Part of a Path That Many Feel &
We All Travel In Search Of the
Deeper Understanding of Self...
Whose Dance Are You Dancing?
Is It to Your Own Music or
Is it to That of Someone Elses?
Awareness in Your Being is
BEing AWARE in
Who YOU Are..

Friday, 19 April 2013


Sharing an understanding of late reflects and image with words shared by myself, the photographer, & an amazing friend...

These words resonated after the bombings in Boston.  In sharing these words comes an understanding in creating change in the world and it has come down to the understanding in creating change amongst yourself.  For that which you change you change the outer layers of your being from the inside out and the skin the diseases and the world crisis as you see it become that of how you be.  The art in significant change is taking the form of a LOVING BEing in all aspects of your being, there is no room to FEAR, for fear itself creates the ripple of the outcome in that you see the world is experiencing.  An essence of fear creates that from the form of a stubbed toe to the world devastation as you see it... in that the words as you see it it will be... there is no room to see or judge anyone, anything, any form, any race, any colour, anything... for if we are all connected to the ONENESS all that is presented to us is a formula of existence that lays within us. The responsibilities as a human through the life experience becomes more simplistic than ego centred, that which you wish for yourself to experience becomes an experience you wish for all to experience, that which you have you share with another.  There can be no separation only separation from the experience you participate from that of FEAR or that of LOVE...
Life perhaps then is an understanding of Us as BEings and that the changes we choose to see in ourselves affects the WHOLE BEing, the world beyond in whatever you truly BElieve... for that again is what your experience will involve that of what you truly believe.

For that then followed the offering of another photo which happened to be with these words awaiting its arrival to share and it truly says it all...
There is NOthing to Change... But Ourselves
We are Essences of a Whole and that Whole Being is functioning from the connection of all ONENESS and all that reflects through the life experience is the experience we see as a mass consciousness in vibrational value to the experience...
For where there is war, there is power of inequality... if all were to participate in acceptance of their own being One would not treat another of nonacceptance there would be acceptance in all beings, for no one would own anything for nothing really is to be owned... this is an experience we call LIFE and our participation is in respect of All That Is and that being through this experience, where we treat ourselves we treat another and we treat the land - for that in those who have no respect have no value or respect of our own true self.
Life thus is a mirror, an experience... All That Is exists within us and we play it out in a moment of experience we call life, for that which you see it will be, for that which you do, for that which you think, for that which you speak you Empower it all to BE... and in this becomes the Responsibility of the experience LIFE gives you... there is nothing to Change but OURSELVES...
Learn to Understand YOUr Own BEing through the Experience we Call Life... We are all on an Individual Journey as One through Self Expression in Being HUMAN!
Thanks to:
Ron Tekawa
Photographer: Stefan J Simons

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

"The Blame Game"

When you spend time absorbed in anger, or focus on others you spend all your time competing in the sporting arena we call life. 
Just as when you keep reliving what people have done to you, you keep them as the contender in the game of life...
You must realise that when we become the observer of the reactions we create a void in awareness which allows an observation of understanding YOUr own BEing...
While We Live In
"The Art Of No Responsibility"
We Continue Playing
"The Blame Game"
Therefore the Shift Is
Taking Responsibility
 In How You Choose to BE
Where You Choose to Focus YOUr Energy
Life Reflects YOU in BEing
Therefore YOUr Reactions
Give You Information
Of The Game
You Are Playing
When You Are
Amongst The Action
Sub Out
View It From The Bench!
"In Awareness Comes Choice"

Monday, 1 April 2013

April Reveals.... "FLOW"



As we close on the tidal wave month of March, April sees the introduction of FLOW Energy. Abundance, FLOW and Clarity are key elements throughout the month of April. Many will become consciously aware of the many ...
Windows of Opportunity as we venture through April. There is a Christ Energy presence with this New Essence of Energy and this presents opportunities to All to find True Self, Life Purpose, Belief System. It brings forth many opportunities for wider communities to consider all with new views, to create changes bringing higher good for all as well as opportunities to understand True Flow within society. Many businesses will begin to understand the FLOW within their business, providing orientation towards True Prosperity and Wealth; It Is those willing to look through different windows who reap reward Here. There is ebbing of tides for some; periods of FLOW that deliver all to the surface and other periods throughout April that allow settling and grounding. Abundance and expanse is huge for those who Truly embrace the FLOW of this Energy. There may be some coming together of the Global Elements, FIRE AND ICE and WATER feature significantly. For those who choose awareness and responsibility in seeking All That Is, clarity is prevalent throughout April and delivers crystal clear vision in seeking Life's Key Elements. In exploring the expanse, many will also reach new depths Within Self; the FLOW of which One will feel in correlation with One's Own Balance. With regards to Mind, Body and Soul there is a presence of Magic available, many may Experience that which they perceive to Be an Absolute Miracle. Gold Energy is among the midst of All through April; this may mean Wealth for some, it may mean Realisation for others and it may be something as simple as an unexpected hug for One's with this FLOW. The presence of Ascended Master Mary Magdalene brings a softness and beauty to One's Experiences throughout April.

Fulfill the many opportunities throughout April with immersion in the natural environment. Relax and go with the FLOW. Allow Self to reach new depths with the Waters Within. BE willing to embrace the Windows of Opportunity, to choose a different view. Participate !!! Choose new adventures, find out what is happening in your community, do something outrageous that perhaps you have not Experienced before. Embrace the Gold, whatever that may be for you. Enjoy the Expansion with the Key Elements available and feel the warmth of Ascended Master Mary Magdalene.
Tina Wilson  -  Monkey Business


An Essence of Energy anchored within the vibration of the township of Coromandel, New Zealand

Looking through the Window of One’s Soul finds One’s Natural Beauty a Pure Essence of Being in Flow

... Be the Flow with All That Is