Friday, 31 August 2012

"The Junction" - Woodville - New Zealand

Sharing a bit of ♥ ♥ ♥ for Woodville, NZ...
In understanding the expansion/transformation of self through the expression of "The Junction" that I painted comes more relevant to those who share a similar understanding in presentation...

This Essence of Energy is anchored within the vibration of the township of Woodville, New Zealand and shares;

The Core of One's Self... In many Paths One may Travel... Each time Revisiting the Core and Expanding One's Awareness in this Moment of the Life Experience and Beyond with All That Is.

Be One with this vibrant energy expansion breaking through limitations in One’s experience.

Thankyou Woodville New Zealand!!!

Stop Trying

You spend a lifetime trying to reach a place of self
in that which you think you need be...
Only to realise
the place of Being
is already here with YOU
as YOU
We are given guidelines, directions and limitations
 of expressing ourself in being...
 To fit into what one would consider
 an accepted place of being...
Only to find
that when you spend your time
being that of someone else
 you miss out on enjoying
who you truly are
When you accept
who you truly are
 you find you have more to offer
than that of who
you thought
 you need be
Don't loose yourself in that of someone else

Thursday, 30 August 2012


Many of us say we truly love ourselves... to be truly honest with yourself would be that of understanding if that you truly loved yourself you would see no judgement of anyone else or anything else in your experience. 
Love is understanding everyone is on their own journey of understanding their own Being in the Life Experience and to judge another from a place of where you think you are in your own would show how little you know about your own Being...
To have any judgement would be a reflection of the judgement you have within yourself. 
So listen carefully to the conversations you have in your mind...
and next time you look at a larger built person who once you may of seen fat and see inspiration in their Being... you will truly start to understand how to love yourself...
When you choose to take respect for yourself in the choices of what you put into your body and treat your body... you will truly start to understand how to love yourself...
When you do things that you choose to be doing and not that of what you think you have to be doing... you will truly start to understand how to love yourself...
When in sport and official makes a call and you would of reacted and you no longer do... you will truly start to understand how to love yourself...
When you can sit through the news without judgement .... you will truly start to understand how to love yourself...
When you stop seeing wrong in others... you will truly start to understand how to love yourself...
And then and only then will you understand...
True Love Has No Judgement!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Precious Moments

I Am Here ... Now... In BEing
There is this Moment NOW...
and that NOW Moment is in the PAST
and then the next Moment will be a NOW Moment
as it is NOW
We are Here NOW
Therefore why do we make just Special Moments
only to be Experienced at Special Times...
The Gift of All That Is
is NOW
in this Moment
Make Every Moment the Special Moment

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Making A Difference

Be lucky enough to experience
the art of making a difference
In that it is an art in Being...
A natural state of Being
when inspired in the moment of Being
you do with what feels right
In this moment the feeling of sharing that of yourself
in someone elses eperience brings
a whole new experience and connection 
to yourself and to theirs
Oneness & Wholeness in BEing
No expectations of that of which you think you should be doing
It comes from a place of knowing
A place of how you would like to be treated
Not always being seen
as recognition is not important
It is that of the feeling of Being in that moment
The ultimate gift of sharing your presence
with that of anothers experience
It may be a word
It may be generosity
It may simply be by

Monday, 27 August 2012

A Gift in a Rose

The Life You Live
 Is Experienced from the Reflection of Your Inner Glow...

The lighter your frequency 
be that of the flow of your Being
A life of simplicity, love, appreciation
All these aspects of Self glow a fine tune 
and magnetize the a radiant life in Being

The denser your frequency
be that of the flow of your Being
A life of frustration, anger, wants
All these aspects of Self glow a dense tune 
and magnetized the fear based life experience amongst your Being

Each petal presents an essence of YOU BEing
Peeling back to the Core Truth In Your BEing

Make Your Experience 
BE that in LOVE

Radiate the Glow
In Every Essence of YOUr BEing 

Sunday, 26 August 2012

A Journey

Imagine being a spark in consciousness 
well enough tuned to experience 
the life experience 
in a physical display 
and disperse into that of the spark 
in a mass consciousness
 after the experience has played itself out

A journey in that of experiencing 
all that we can in understanding ourselves in Being 

Creators and writers of our own play
Sharing our experiences in a way that teaches us more about ourselves
Sharing aspects of self with all that cross your path 
and them with yours
Giving you samples and choices 
in what that you choose to experience 

Forever evolving in One Being 
with a perspective of 
an individual experience
 of the mass consciousness
All being a mirror image 
of your reflection in BEing

And as the wind blows we cannot see it yet we know it exists
Here Now
We know Life has been given as a gift 
However we perceive it to be
If we come to nothingness 
and stillness as it is 
we would find all of creation in its BEing

Saturday, 25 August 2012

You Are The Situation...

What if...

 You are this amazing energy ball
transmitting frequencies into the atmosphere
Magnetising the experience back to you
through physical representation?

What if...

The experience is all the same
Just limited from a perception
in the view you choose to be participating in

What if...

The world is a reaction to you in BEing...


We all are function from a place of being
 in a frequency we are tuned into...
A bit like a radio station...
those with the same frequency
 will be listening to the same channel
Therefore those vibrating at another frequency
will be magnetised to another station
Both channels can report the same news..
just the receiving of the information will be limited to
the density or lightness of Ones own BEing...

"It's not the Situation... You are the Situation"

Friday, 24 August 2012

Letting Go

Our beliefs and habits have created the outcome of that which we choose to experience only to unfold that if we eliminate the boundaries we open the doors to receiving more than that what we have limited ourselves to experience.

A perfect example would be to let go of all that you have and start over... when you truly can detach from the materialism outside of self and BE you realise you have everything in nothing as you have found your true BEing...

Your thoughts and expectations of how it is going to BE... can be the limiting outcome of your experience because how you see it having to BE it will BE... but you may miss the simplicity and abundance of what it could be if you let go of how it is to BE...

The art is to have nothing and have everything and feel the same it does not affect you in BEing...

The magic is in awareness in every moment!

Let Go and BE the Flow...

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Energy & Focus

When One's focus and effort is not producing the results they choose or desire it is often the understanding that the blockage is created from an
Emotion vibrating in the cell memory...
As each cell holds a memory of experience in a emotional vibration frequency value 

One can BE trying
(note the word trying has a vibration of always trying...)
to produce results
 yet the imbalance of cells function
to a multitude of different
experiences and feelings
confuses the operator (you)...

If you fear failure in an essence of any experience/thought
this will be played back in something that could be so simple...

Lets take this one example and share some experiences with the same message
Remember fear (of failure) is lack of self belief, self love...

So Sports ... all training etc can be all sorted yet aspect in being
may not produce the results...
no medal, injury, missing goals etc
Work...  not liking your job, job applications & miss out, dont see jobs advertised etc...
Friends... fear of telling someone how u feel and finding out years later they felt the same way
Life... all planned out and not happening the way you want it to

One particular frequency vibrating in cells....
showing itself in different ways of Being

Fear of failure
simply because of lack of self love, respect and self belief...
is Emotion blocking the flow
which plays a mirror image of blocking flow in BEing!

These are just some examples sooooo many present simplistically
 in every moment if you are truly aware and understand lifes reflection of us in BEing.

Be Aware of what truly is blocking the Flow
Its not the situation
YOU are the situation!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


What we become attached to can weigh us down from evolving...

Life presents us with the arrival through the birthing experience
 and leaving through death
It is here we ask a question in that
"What can you take with you?"

Attachments can be that of
materialism to that of family

Each and Everyone of you are on an individual journey as
ONE evolving in BEing

Another aspect of this ROCK
in BEing is that of...

All the experiences that have been
you keep them alive
 with the energy focus you give it

Therefore while you hold onto them
 they continue to burden your being

Don't Block the Flow
Let go and BE

BE Here Now, Because...
"What You Hold Onto... You Can't Let Go"

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Living Is Not Hiding

Life is for living not existing
in that for you to BE who you truly are
it is no good thinking of what you would love to do
 without giving it the justice of doing it...

You can sit and be like that of Buddah
but the key in living is to be part of all the experience
 and be that of buddah amongst the chaos...

Monday, 20 August 2012


Adventures Of Khaos...


The photo is different in depth and light... and just is as it chooses to BE...
KHAOS - Looks a Mess! When you got no paintings on the Walls You can appreciate any form of artwork haha!!! ♥ Perhaps it was Its Choice in Timing... One you can't MISS!
This painting is Such a BIG Share!

 My Intuitive Understanding:
Greek God Khaos (Chaos)
Foundation of Creation
Chaotic Mix of All Elements
Life Changing Event
Unified Field Theory
Ultimate Pearl of Wisdom
Nothingness... Into Creation of Existence
Soul of the World
Fractals - Fractal Imprinted essences Affecting Brain (Frequency) Structure
Psychoactive Essences Creating Changes in Consciousness ..through the blood–brain barrier it stimulates the central nervous system attuning the function of the brain creating change in perception, mood, cognition, and behaviour
Codec Imprints: coder/decoder essences

Khaos BEing a Great Disorder of Matter out of which a Supreme Being Created All Life!!!

The beauty beneath this Khaos... Is understanding the POWER that lies within!!!


Living in simplicity is truly that...
keep it simple...
if it feels right do it...
if it doesn't feel right don't do it...

That which you choose to hold onto
will indeed stop and block the flow
 and when you realise to let go
you will realise the simplicity
 in the flow of life
as it truly is...

Life enjoyed over a cup of tea
is that of
those wise enough
to enjoy the moment in Simplicity

There is nowhere to be
but here
right now!

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Gift of Life

We are given the gift of life
and freewill for our journey to unfold
in reflection of it sharing an understanding
of our SELF in BEing...
We travel paths of understanding
in search of our evolving state in BEing
in that what we can be...
The Art in this
is that not of what you think you need be
It's the golden key you hold
 within YOUr BEing
 to BE YOU
 and Shine

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Self Alignment Cards

Self Alignment Cards

Approximate Box Size: 90mm X 60mm X 10mm
Using the 2009 to 2011 New Master Essences which have evolved and are activating through the grid, energy field emitting higher vibrations.
Box Includes 40 Cards with Questions One Side and Prints, Affirmations on the Other Side.
40 Responsibility to Self questions create an opening to penetrate light into the density that is not aligned to One's True Core Self.
Removing the living in Fear frequency and shifting One to a high vibration of Love in every aspect of One's Being. The questions create movement within the electromagnetic system of One’s DNA. It opens a void in which One can shift the frequency to a higher vibration through the essence of energy in the print and a limitless thought or affirmation which absorbed at its true truth essence, allows the shift of vibration in the Cells and One's energy frequency.
Be all this in the now moment, in every essence of One’s Being and Create the change One chooses to see. Take responsibility to live in Pure Love and Truth in every moment of One's Be-ing.
These high vibrational Self Alignment Cards are Limitless.

Visit Website @

Friday, 17 August 2012

The Path You Journey

Life Experience Shares an Understanding of Birth through to Death...
(and whatever you believe either side beyond of that)

  • So What is it for You?
  • What/Who can you take with you?
  • As You Walk the Distance how Far are You Living Away from Yourself in BEing in that Focussed on the External Experience?
  • What if it is about the Internal Journey and the Internal Journey then Reflects the External Experience?
  • What does the Life Experience Truly mean to You?
  • Are You Living the Life You Truly Love?

Thursday, 16 August 2012


The Art in Living...

 is that of doing something you love
in doing that
the abundance
of all your experiences
are delivered
when you work for a need
you will always be needing in life

"When you live loving something you do... it is not work"

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Responsibility in YOUr BEing

Choice of Focus


 If you want to keep something negative happening
 keep giving it your focus and energy and feedback of anger
as this adds to the created mass consciousness in creation
keeping it alive and in the moment...

 If you dont...
let it go and place your focus
where it can be more beneficial
for All to Experience...

 ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Life Through Sport

After having a coffee this morning listening to the passion of the two lovely gentlemen what I have shared many times before is the missing link of understanding the shift in the results desired... so inspired they show me an old story of NZ V Aus Netball at world champs as an example... Life is truly this simple! ♥

Life through Sport a Perception of Reflection

Inspiration comes from feeding the moment within ones belief in self to a place of no doubt and self belief, self love, self respect and ONE with all that is in its existence... a place of BEing a natural state of SELF

What if...

The training, the programming, the diet, the....  all have been covered and done...

You want to know where your true results lie it will be in that moment where anything that the one individual has not dealt with self with come to the fore and be presented in a moment of glory or a moment in what you may call defeat.  We are creatures of habit and that in tail we must understand if you are not in BEing that in the moment of all that is you will be recalling habits in the moments of pressure and exhaustion ... in those moments they trigger a frequency linked to cell memory, emotional experience that bring aspects of self not truly balance within to the external for that being the game in hand to share an understanding of a misalignment of self...

Cells function at a frequency the frequency vibrates a matching frequency like a magnet.. therefore knowing that cells hold memory, emotion which is energy in motion... the density of cell matter will foretell the outcome of the experience... because in that moment of pressure or exhaustion the emotion will connect with a cell memory of similar feeling (pre programmed/subconscious) and link to the truth of that experience truly felt within the competitor...

Your true state of BEing is a reflection in that you live/experience!

It’s a given... for example if you watched a world cup netball final in Singapore NZ V Australia, NZ media which obtain the mass consciousness focus shared an understanding of the belief they had in every team member – yet when the pressure went on it was not that of the Kiwi team that made the changes it was that of Australia... their belief (TRUE BELIEF IN EVERYONE) was reflected in the result... a simple mis alignment of portrayed BEing is the unseen affect in the result occurred. It’s the repetitive saying it is one thing to say it, it is another to live it.

A team therefore is a mass consciousness frequency functioning in the balance of one’s own frequency as a group outcome.  All those will experience that which is necessary for more personal understanding of their own life experience in who they truly are, this include the frequency of the coach which a team will reflect the balance state of their BEing... for every action if there is a reaction eg if you feel it... there is a shift awareness in creating change in self which ripple affects throughout the team...

Therefore you could also understand the scenario of the ex NZ Netball Coach’s balance, belief and true self love/worth would be reflected by that of the experience of her son on the plane... this really was an aspect of giveaway of high possibility of the result they produced given through awareness at the beginning of the tournament... he was a great messenger but for those who saw it otherwise fed the aligned feeling amongst the result experienced. Where judgement of self is BEing judgement of others/experience will be reflected back.

We are functional energy Beings experiencing understanding our evolving self through BEing... therefore sport is a reflection of self and that of the spectator is also adding to the mass consciousness result in BEing as thoughts are things... and judgements you have of another or outcome are those that truly reflect the judgement you have of self in your own life experience...

You can feel the difference when you Believe in a team/competitor you FEEL it and that is a GREAT Wholeness all  BEing... this reflects and shows us how good it is too truly BElive in self not just for those moments but in ALL WAYS and in Every Aspect of your BEing and in Every Moment...

Life is a Mirror Reflection to us all ... and through sport we can take it to another level in BEing!

Monday, 13 August 2012

Olympic Message

This drawing arrived a few months ago...

This morning watching the end of the Olympic Closing arrived the words...

Simply Perfect!

Sunday, 12 August 2012


It Truly is that Simple...
NOW in All That It Is

You have a Conscious Choice
in How You
Choose to BE
in Every Moment...

Simply Make it LOVE!

Saturday, 11 August 2012


This painting is "Purifying the Heart" ...
Purifying the Heart Energy is where One ignites the Essence within One’s Self taking an understanding of what One chooses to create within the Life Experience through the Essence of Love for Self. The Portal Purifying the Heart transmits innate desires in taking responsibility for all that you are in everything you do. In Loving One’s Self extends to loving Everyone, Everything and All That Is.

The words "When WE Stop Fighting ... The War Is Over" represents exactly that... the battle of that that goes on within ONE's BEing is a battle to be that of your true loving BEing and challenged by that of the external factors of that which you think you need to BE in that which the physical experience presents to us...

When you stop fighting your true BEing and Be who you choose to BE the war is Over...

Understanding if the world is a reflection of our true BEing it then BEcomes obvious that WAR will continue until you as an individual take responsibility in changing your BEing to be that in LOVE in every essence of your existence. Therefore there would be no need for war to BE the reflection to us, as all would treat each other as they too would like to BE treated.

Awareness is Consciously Creating Change by the Choices in that you BE...
The Choice is Truly Yours in Every Moment!
When you Stop Fighting within Yourself ... You Stop Fighting in the World!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Just Released:  FIRST WAVE  ~  Tina Wilson

Soul EnterPrize - Tina Wilson has been working with my sharings for well over a year now and has just released
"A Uniquely New Zealand Perspective in Undertanding of Self" (BEing book one of a series) Through the Pure Essences & Energies of Alison McLean...

This is her personal Soul searching BEing through the Alison McLean New Zealand Gallery experience she shares with ONE and ALL.

Understanding Life for the Experience... Not the Drama

Words that came together one night were:

See with Perfection... not Drama
Hear with Clarity... not Discernment
Live with Love... not Hate or Dislike
Belief with Faith... not Doubt
Understand Life for the Experience... Not the Drama

and this became the basis of who I Am, like a set of commandments a way to live...

Then came sharings... books... art... quotes... and much much more...

What I observed was the vibration frequency shifts when you are:

Seeing with Perfection... not Drama
Hearing with Clarity... not Discernment
Living with Love... not Hate or Dislike
Believing with Faith... not Doubt
Understanding Life for the Experience... not the Drama

Because that is... 
BEing (LIVING) it!