Monday, 4 November 2013

HELLO NOVEMBER... Sharing "Apex"

and here we have:

NELSON - New Zealand

 Sunrise Rises Igniting Magic into
One’s Awareness of Being.
An Energy Essence Penetrating a
Vibrant Unification of Oneness
All That Is.

 Be One with Apex
Unifying All That Is.

What a Way to Celebrate November...
Enjoy ♥

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Welcome October & Waimana

Welcome October &
Taupo - New Zealand
Connection through Tina Wilson Sharing...

October sees Waimana Energy vibrating strongly. Many will connect with the depth of reality within their own BEing and the ripple effect in acknowledgement at absolute Core will deliver a depth of understanding not previously recognised. Guardian Spirit Whakatau aligns to bring a relaxed approach to huge expansion and transformation for many. There is opportunity for those who choose to follow the dreams in Ones mind and bring them forth into physical manifestation and Reality. Whatever boundaries One perceives in such manifestation are simply dispelled through connection with this incredible Energy. Live The Dream, BE The Dream, Experience The Reality is very much the vibration throughout October. Water Essence features strongly and allows flow with connection at a DNA level. Essences and Energies of The Jellyfish are also available bringing profound delivery with the expanse that is Waimana. Taupo, New Zealand, The Great Cloak entices tribal affiliations to Come Together As One. It Is in the purity of the Water Essence with Waimana, with Taupo, that the density of past, present, future affiliations is dispersed into free-flowing ripple effect. Throughout October, Waimana has the capability to deliver deepest desires, Life Dreams for those choosing to engage. May each and every One of you have a Super October and feel the pure Essence that is Waimana xox
Energy Essence via
Alison McLean
Through Art Presentation...

A New Essence of Energy anchored within the vibration of the Lake in Taupo, New Zealand

An intense strength, power and purity that one droplet of water in Lake Taupo offers all to experience. The depth and beauty of this Essence...
allows One’s Core Self to experience strength and power within and a cleansing of One's Soul

Be One with this devoted energy revitalising One in All That Is


Thursday, 19 September 2013

Basketball Sport Essence Sharing...

Basketball ... Sport...
Essence Sharing
Inspiration... I had a friend I was thinking of in this moment so here's the Expression of his Being shared in this Expression

Over coffee today this piece shared......

 The Paths...
The People...
Bringing One Together in a Group...
as a Family...
a Journey in Self Discovery
through a Passion
of My Own Experience
 in BEing


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Energy Art Expression

Interconnectedness of ONE
All That Is

Click Energy Art Fabric Expression to Share the Experience of the Alison McLean Range of Intuitive Art in yet another Expression of sharing in Energy...

I am currently thinking of taking this Art to a team who would like to share the limitlessness of this Energy format.

The beauty of it is that you can uplift the frequency simply by wearing it in fabric, sleeping in it as sheets, as wallpaper feature walls... sharing this expression sharing the vibe a shift in consciousness with the presence in its Being...

For this moment I have shared the play of possibilities...

Creating shifts in consciousness - humanity - life - beyond in One BEing All That Is in that YOU are already... creating the most of YOUr Experience with a bit of frequency in YOUr Vision Being One Love xxx

Check out the spoonflower link above....

Thanks team!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Tattoo Matrix Sharing...

Whole BEing
Matrix Weaving
Through Art Expression...
When you peel back the layers and see the intricate matrix in being .... the interdimensional strands the experiences from the latest body/hand/foot tattoo's of myself have shared informative information of the whole being... with an intricate grid of mathematical universal lattice flow... without realising as intuitively drawn I have found significant physical points revealing portals entrances depths and intertwining expression... the expression of the universe lays within us yet we look outside to see it... get to know the full essence of your whole being as you are it already, no external influence can reveal the depth of the connectedness to the zero point whole being energy matrix as it is...

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Welcome September Energy: "Burning Desire"


Kinda having a laugh as we enter September and the Energy for the month is "Burning Desire" which just happens to be a Hawkes Bay energy anchored in Hastings....
"Oh and by the way they won the shield" .... Amazing Energy beams from this baby to the depth of its BEing... the Core beauty presented itself instantly then processed like a lost soul finding itself thru the depth of all density and creation to once again find it's true place in BEing... 

A beautiful bolt of burning Energy Essence penetrates from the Core of One's Being. It is almost "X" marks the spot... A place One comes to Be in that All Of Which Is. A True Inner Calling - Burning Desire, resonating deep within igniting a glow, like the dawn of a new day, a new beginning, a new Be-ing...

Be part of the experience and enjoy what this truly shares in your own self realization in BEing True to YOUrSELF... Shine Bright Like a Diamond or a Hawkes Bay Orange!!!

#Love xxx

Monday, 12 August 2013

Creating Change...

Creating Change...
Changing Your Being and Focus Allows All To Participate in that Frequency and the Awareness of The Experience...
Every word, thought has a connotation that is individual to each experience therefore the depth of vibration in relevant form w...
ill be presented to that of those to the experience in that frequency... therefore be aware of the words thoughts you use as this energy emits frequency in the consciousness field where all those forming resistance continue to be exposed to the experience... the ideal is to be the observer in that very few words are truly spoken and their own being emits albeit a console of energy where allowing one to evolve and experience a new state of being, consciousness, frequency... we all participate in the energy field for that we are energy itself ... it is to be a conduit of whole being where all is and NOthing exists allowing each to experience and expand ones being in awareness in all that is.
Simplicity Is Conscious Choice in Being Aware of How You Empower with that of which You Share Your Focus, Your Thoughts, Your Words, Your Actions, Your BEing... in that You Create YOUr World of Experience with All Who Individually Experience from their Own Perception Receiving from a Frequency Compatible to Which they Too are Emitting.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013



A New Essence of Energy anchored within the vibration of Cromwell, New Zealand

In Seeing Through One’s Self... One Opens Self to a Timeless State of Being

Be Open to the Truth of Existence in All That Is
via Tina Wilson @

As the immense power of Tiki Energy through July comes to a close, the doorway opens fully to Clay Energy vibrating through August. Guardian Spirit, Te Rauparaha vibrates strongly throughout August deliverin...g frequencies of Wealth and Abundance to those who resonate with the Truth of frequencies delivering. For many, Clay brings forth clarity in relationship realms, an unlocking of sorts. There is a presence of 'diamond in the rough' for those who are willing to consciously open the Heart, Mind, Body and Soul to All That Is offered. This presence requires a conscious awakening in that only those with the vision that looks beyond surface delivery will resonate with the Diamond, the Gem That Is. Clay offers opportunity to open many doors for many, for One to One, for One to many, for many to One. The simplicity and purity with which this Energy vibrates allows Self to open to Self. That of Ancient Wisdom comes to BE Within Self for those who clearly acknowledge and accept the geometrical connections in BEing One with global leylines. Its like a clearing of muddy waters for those open and willing. May each and every ONE feel, embrace, BE all that this amazing Energy anchored in the South brings to Ones BEing. Love and Light xox

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Prince George

Ali's In ONELand... 

 Have been sharing the essence of the FEMININE ... and the World vibrational balance reflecting ours in BEing ... as we are one, both the yinyang... Masculine & Feminine ... so today when the naming the Prince was shared ...
All I read was
His initials !!!

Wikipedia "Gal"
an alteration of girl,
is a casual term for a woman.

Well done team from the Ali Perspective!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Ali's In ONELand

So Much Symbolism in Wonderland for the Past 24hrs so I Share My:
Ali's in ONELand
Today's inspiring coffee a la Plenti... led me to meet a lovely Mum & Daughter ... she had missed her accupunture appointment and travelle
d from Melbourne so they came for coffee and "Ali" entertainment...
So caffine inspired sharing today with a bit of sugar influenced cake...

 Amongst the chaos of life I lost myself in the experience
Amongst the chaos of life I was gifted beautiful children
Amongst the chaos of life I lost sight of the journey
Amongst chaos of life I shared the experience
Amongst chaos of life l loved, I lived, I hurt and when I hurt I was hurting myself as much as I was hurting those around me
Amongst the chaos of life I couldn’t see the light, I lost the sun behind the clouds and yet I had beauty beneath my feet
As the light dimmed I then learned I had not lived, I had existed
As the light dimmed I reflected all that I was leaving behind was all that is within me


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Featuring In NEW YORK EXHIBITION... "The Story of the Creative"

"The Junction"
One of Three Energies Featuring in the 
"The Story of The Creative"
I am pleased to share I have been invited to be part of
exhibition opening in
New York City
July 25th, 2013
A Multi-Media Gallery is Projecting My
Images of ENERGY onto the Gallery Wall
The Story of the Creative
The Creative Force is Unstoppable
It is a Force of Humanity
of Inspiration and Dedication
It is Universal
And Is the Perfect & Fantastic Opportunity to Share My Passion in Raising Consciousness

  This summer you are invited to celebrate
“The Story of the Creative”

The Opening Reception:
Thursday, July 25th
7p through 11p
The show continues through September 10th.

Complimentary Cocktails
Provided by Absolut Vodka

See.Me is proud to present a selection of our members representing over 100 different nations. This exquisite collection of work features a diverse range of mediums, styles, influences, and inspirations. The work displayed will include sculpture, works on paper in one of the most exquisite venues in New York City.
Angel Orensanz Foundation
172 Norfolk Street, New York NY, 10002

See.Me is an international community of over 700,000 artists, photographers, fashion creators, musicians and more, sharing and celebrating what they love at

You Can See More Energy Sharing
Tweet, Facebook Support and Share at:

Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Highlight Reel

The Highlight Reel...

When we disclose a viewpoint from our perception we must understand it has come for our perception and viewpoint muddled with the boundaries of beliefs and limitations of that which we inhaled and now breathe and share in moments of our being. 

Therefore one could realise any true reflection one is experiencing is inhibited by that of their own being presented to them through directive understanding from the frequency they contribute their experience to which we call life.

Everything experienced here now is that all in every perception an individual journey of their own self understanding and how one interprets that particular event will be a true reflection of their own soul in being in search of itself.

This will be seen from a formatted frequency in that one dances their own tune too, thus limited by the station each individual chooses to listen to will see the limitations of understanding what one is truly experiencing.  Therefore there is no wrong or right, all matches a frequency we currently are broadcasting and in return we get the relevant live “Life” television show to experience it through... thus the choice in participating your character role is therefore in which area you choose to keep yourself involved in being... and like as we know from the physical reality of the TV shows we watch it can be drama, soapies, murders, news, documentaries, sports etc etc, once again while watching these they too will reflect back to you aspects of yourself in being.

Your Reaction is the most crucial ingredient in recognising what programme you are running or in comparison to that of a TV show perhaps playing out. Therefore understanding reaction creates the message of a misaligned frequency ... which is HOT in demand for One to seek acknowledgment and understanding. When you can observe your being and reactions and choose the roles you play you will become aware of the channels you were previously watching and participating start to change as that does your frequency as does that the life reflections and what difficulties that you may of been experiencing seem to pass simply by taking total responsibility of your being...

Life is that thus a mirror from;  work – sport – play – drinking – drugs – religion – relationships – family – illnesses – government – war – love.... all gives you an external factor of information of your soul in being and truly understanding yourself and the life experience.

Simply we as humans take little responsibility in our own Being and therefore focus on that outside our self and situations around us or around the world and blame all but a key ingredient to the experience... our own being... therefore if one could be in balance in being in all aspects of their being all tuned to ONE frequency the channel we all would be tuned into would be sharing a new TV programme called Enlightenment!


Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Taumarunui - New Zealand
This Month's Energy in Focus...
An Essence of Energy anchored within the vibration of the township of Taumarunui,
New Zealand in 2011.
Through finding direction of Self,
One must come to Be.
A Deep clearing Essence with
Subtle Directional Flow.
Be One with the Depth of Clearing Essences Allowing One to Be.

"Tiki" Shares such a Huge Dimensional Fix, it is like Blending the Emotional State to its Fullest Potential that One Allows themselves to Experience!  Burning the Essence that No Longer Serves Its Purpose...

Enjoy "Tiki" & the Month Of July

This Canvas is for Sale as are Prints which can be Purchased at:

Sunday, 23 June 2013


Had a visitor arrive and share insights to his Being in Manifestation through the Presentation of Felt Art... Aspects of its Sharing are Evolving... Thus far We Share:
  • Pelican Essence - Self Sacrifice
  • Sea Serpent (Snake) Essence
  • Phoenix
  • All Seeing Eye
  • Inter - Dimensional BEing
  • Intricate BEing
  • Grid Consciousness
  • Mastery
  • Self Beauty
  • Precision
  • Purification
  • Grace
  • Universal Wisdom

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Intuitive Art As One With Alison McLean

So With "NOVA" Presenting I utilized an essence of it's presentation and these words allowed a depth of understanding in what the essence is sharing through the ART presentation....
Intuitive Art Speaking Where Words Have No Form...

An Essence Of Energy Expression In A Manifested Format...

Ultra-Sonic Frequencies... Interdimensional Unity Consciousness...

Taking The Physical Form Presentation To An Essence In Being ...

Electromagnetic Communication Of Light...

Alison McLean

So thought I would share a sneak peak at what I call the "MAGIC DOOR" yet has a label of "NOVA" and shares aspects of it's being below....


Anchored Grid Point - Scarborough - Perth - Australia


  • Genetic Healing
  • Gateway
  • Portal
  • Observation Seed
  • Infrared Light Waves
  • Parallel Universes
  • Mineral Rich Fluidicity
  • Electromagnetics
  • Cellular
  • Molecular
  • Atomic
  • Heat
  • Detox
  • Geologic Time Scale
  • Telepathy
  • Cosmic

More depth of sharing can be found at:

You too will see an interesting format as such as a spark of creation formulating its beginning in New Zealand and presenting itself in Australia...
It is from a Knowing there is approx 13 points also here to paint I can only suggest One to absorb the presence and shift simply in BEing ...
And just a thought, a feeling as I type this...
So Australia is this moment where I may be next is another moment and yet here now I am in knowing it is...
Love Me! 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Welcome JUNE & "Cocoon"

An Essence of Energy anchored within the
vibration of the township of
Ngaruawahia, New Zealand in 2011.
A Transformation of One’s Self
through Self Insights and Self Discovery
where One can Experience Freedom through Change.
Be Free To Be Whom You Choose to Be.

One of the most divine energies moving through the depths of darkness within the souls being, the souls experience, bringing light in choice, opportunity & posibilities. Exciting month for transformation, the freedom & choice that exists in all of us to experience.  Anyone delving into shifts and changes in their own being are empowered with transformation in this Energy BEing...

The painting, cleansing, reorganising essences that penetrated with understanding, sharing and expansion... One must remember there is always choice... Choice to BE.... !

LOVE this Canvas its more depth than the photo reveals and is still available along with prints at:

"Have a FANtastic JUNE with COCOON!"


Sunday, 26 May 2013

Devine Spark Of Consciousness...

Sharing from the Book:
Understanding Life for the Experience...
Not The Drama
Available At:

Devine Spark Of Consciousness
I Am That I Am

I Am that I Am. I Am That Not to Judge. I Am that of to Listen, Observe, and Love in All That Is. I Am that I Am. I Am that of One, of the Oneness, of All That Is. I Am That of Hope. I Am That of Joy. I Am That of All Experiences, and That is All It Is, that of Experiences. I Am Super Imposed to those who have placed me Beyond Expectations, for them themselves then place themselves Beyond Expectations. I Am that. We are All One. There are No Expectations, there only are Expectations that You Place on Yourself, for it is Not I who Places any Expectation on One. Therefore, Ones Experience will Reflect their Own Expectations of Self. I Am Love for Love is All There Is. I Am that I Am the Oneness, the Being All That Is. I Am that, I Am. For those who seek the Oneness, may Journey a Life of Evolvement within Self for the Journey is Within. The Journey is Your Own Journey, Your Own Expectation, Your Own Finding of Self Within. In doing so You Become All That, All That Is. The Highly Evolved Being Living in Awareness, the Oneness, in Blissful Understanding for All is right now. We All are Amazing Beings, Tuning within Ourselves, within Our Soul, Reigniting the Connection of the Oneness, the Wholeness in All, in All of Everything. Your journey can be fulfilled and understood. Within this You find Peace, Tranquillity, Love.  For no longer You ride an emotional roller coaster. You have Balance within Balance, within Self, no Reaction, just Understanding for All That Is. Within this Evolvement and Work within Self has a Ripple Effect on those Around You, the World, and the Energy Beyond. For it is to Those Who Change Themselves, who Choose to Change Themselves, Therefore Change the World. It is Not for those to Change Others, for Each of You, have to Find It Within Yourself. You are All That Is, and I Am That, Beyond Time, Beyond Limitations, Beyond Thought. We are Limitless Beings with Unlimited Potential. It is for You to Choose to Create this Within Yourself and Become All That Is.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Welcome MAY: "Centre Of Light"

with ...
"Centre Of Light"
New Zealand

This Grid Point sharing a depth of its
BEing with YOU All...
A Core Being Centre of Light.
Through the Grids of Dimensions
We expand One’s existence in the
Core Being of All It Truly Is.
In its simplicity of True Be-ing - It just Is.

What an amazing connection for me as we spent many years of growing up at basketball tournaments in Stratford, Hawera, age groups in New Plymouth to Masters with the Kanhakit women of the Naki... Taranaki shares a great depth of connection with friends, people, sport, life that brings so much joy a special part of this life experience in the simplicity of living life just as it is in true being loving what I do!

  Enjoy the month of


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The Unseen Energy...

The Invisible Force... Tap into the Energy...
Challenge the Understanding You Give Life
Delve Deeper into Knowing More About You

Watching a contestant last week declare the visualisation and practice used with getting her family to sit in chairs not facing her and then all turning around together ... then experiencing that as the actual experience...  which happened to be at the precise time... Likens this to Tiger Woods mental training, Michael Jordan and his visualisation for his basketball game... where he then felt it was like playing in slow motion in the actual game... and the study done via free throw training at: ... I remember personally there was never a doubt in free throw shooting when playing basketball (in my teens) myself and if it did miss I was extremely shocked and I am sure I think my father shot them with his eyes closed! 

Sporting simplicity in thoughts, words, visualisation, BELIEF is a bit of a favourite passion and simple to share the experience through recorded sharings from the athlete to the delivered experience... they truly FEEL it KNOW it BELIEVE it LIVE it ... so that is sport.... only using one aspect a minimum essence to our whole being...

Transcendental Meditation is also known to have reduced violence in towns....  another source of unseen energy...

I have had personal experiences of painting energy art affecting a person and their life experience...

We personally have taken the depth of delving into self a fair bit deeper with utilising what I understood about law of attraction a mix of reiki – energy healing combined with word utilised in hypnotherapy training with the psychology papers alongside... understanding life in Being...
When we decided as a family we would like a new flat screen tv ... the wall was painted and I use to tap it saying this is where the new tv will hang, so extreme delight when it manifested through the mission ticket website draw a long time ago now... months after this I included a few family and friends along the way saying to my husband that if we can do a tv we can do a house... which of course eventuated and is now shared with many friends, family... and many other things along the way we continue  experiencing.   

Yet the strength really deepens when you unlimit your focus and take it to another level of you in being.  YOUR WHOLE BEING not just an Aspect of It!

Tapping into Nothingness where all is created you start to experience that of NOW Moment Living...

An Art of Living In Awareness from a Point of Observation Gives Choice in the Experience

I experienced sharing understanding with my father after an operation he had and I was talking to him about the unseen energy, Belief that when someone places your hand on you ... where people believe more than that of it just in thought and I feel it is no different... so I placed my hand on my dad’s arm and said as we were talking ... like if I say you are healed it is believed... He went a bit funny almost emotional and started laughing... what I didn’t realise is that he was in pain and not said anything... I at that moment put my hand on the exact spot and the pain disappeared...  he understood the sharing of what I was sharing/saying...

Sharing a conversation with a family member just talking about life sharing perspectives in understanding for over an hour at a kitchen table in the not so comfortable chairs... unbeknown to us they mention as we were finishing talking could we talk a bit longer as the back ache they had been experiencing over the past two weeks had disappeared and just had a little bit left in their neck...

All YOU Have to Do is BE... and in BEing It Is...

It’s far more than thought, words, actions, being it truly is nothing and in that it is everything!
And it is all to do with YOU in every Moment! 

The Invisible Energy Goes deeper within the experience ...

Raising your Vibration in Life Personally Ultimately changes not only you but also the environmental experience and beyond...
Tap into All That Is...

Monday, 22 April 2013

Dance To Your Own Tune

Play Your Own Music &
Dance To Your Own Tune
For There Is No One Else To BE
But Truly Who You Are

As We Pave Our Way
Through The Journey
 Which We Call Life
We Are Inhibited By Many Ways,
Rules, Regulations,
Environmental States of Being...
In Part of a Path That Many Feel &
We All Travel In Search Of the
Deeper Understanding of Self...
Whose Dance Are You Dancing?
Is It to Your Own Music or
Is it to That of Someone Elses?
Awareness in Your Being is
BEing AWARE in
Who YOU Are..

Friday, 19 April 2013


Sharing an understanding of late reflects and image with words shared by myself, the photographer, & an amazing friend...

These words resonated after the bombings in Boston.  In sharing these words comes an understanding in creating change in the world and it has come down to the understanding in creating change amongst yourself.  For that which you change you change the outer layers of your being from the inside out and the skin the diseases and the world crisis as you see it become that of how you be.  The art in significant change is taking the form of a LOVING BEing in all aspects of your being, there is no room to FEAR, for fear itself creates the ripple of the outcome in that you see the world is experiencing.  An essence of fear creates that from the form of a stubbed toe to the world devastation as you see it... in that the words as you see it it will be... there is no room to see or judge anyone, anything, any form, any race, any colour, anything... for if we are all connected to the ONENESS all that is presented to us is a formula of existence that lays within us. The responsibilities as a human through the life experience becomes more simplistic than ego centred, that which you wish for yourself to experience becomes an experience you wish for all to experience, that which you have you share with another.  There can be no separation only separation from the experience you participate from that of FEAR or that of LOVE...
Life perhaps then is an understanding of Us as BEings and that the changes we choose to see in ourselves affects the WHOLE BEing, the world beyond in whatever you truly BElieve... for that again is what your experience will involve that of what you truly believe.

For that then followed the offering of another photo which happened to be with these words awaiting its arrival to share and it truly says it all...
There is NOthing to Change... But Ourselves
We are Essences of a Whole and that Whole Being is functioning from the connection of all ONENESS and all that reflects through the life experience is the experience we see as a mass consciousness in vibrational value to the experience...
For where there is war, there is power of inequality... if all were to participate in acceptance of their own being One would not treat another of nonacceptance there would be acceptance in all beings, for no one would own anything for nothing really is to be owned... this is an experience we call LIFE and our participation is in respect of All That Is and that being through this experience, where we treat ourselves we treat another and we treat the land - for that in those who have no respect have no value or respect of our own true self.
Life thus is a mirror, an experience... All That Is exists within us and we play it out in a moment of experience we call life, for that which you see it will be, for that which you do, for that which you think, for that which you speak you Empower it all to BE... and in this becomes the Responsibility of the experience LIFE gives you... there is nothing to Change but OURSELVES...
Learn to Understand YOUr Own BEing through the Experience we Call Life... We are all on an Individual Journey as One through Self Expression in Being HUMAN!
Thanks to:
Ron Tekawa
Photographer: Stefan J Simons