Wednesday 24 July 2013

Ali's In ONELand

So Much Symbolism in Wonderland for the Past 24hrs so I Share My:
Ali's in ONELand
Today's inspiring coffee a la Plenti... led me to meet a lovely Mum & Daughter ... she had missed her accupunture appointment and travelle
d from Melbourne so they came for coffee and "Ali" entertainment...
So caffine inspired sharing today with a bit of sugar influenced cake...

 Amongst the chaos of life I lost myself in the experience
Amongst the chaos of life I was gifted beautiful children
Amongst the chaos of life I lost sight of the journey
Amongst chaos of life I shared the experience
Amongst chaos of life l loved, I lived, I hurt and when I hurt I was hurting myself as much as I was hurting those around me
Amongst the chaos of life I couldn’t see the light, I lost the sun behind the clouds and yet I had beauty beneath my feet
As the light dimmed I then learned I had not lived, I had existed
As the light dimmed I reflected all that I was leaving behind was all that is within me


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